This Adorable, Soft-As-A-Pillow, Brown Color Giant Stuffed Monkey is BIG! BIG! BIG! and CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! This is a giant stuffed animal that is sure to impress in size, softness and quality You HAVE to SEE THIS big, beautiful, premium plush stuffed primate IN PERSON! This is truly an AWESOME, SUPER-HUGE, STUNNING and SHINY BLACK COLOR stuffed Plush Ape Gorilla. It is stuffed SQUEEZABLY SOFT and will provide years of huggable squeezable love. You will absolutely LOVE it. The highly detailed head, face and attention to detail makes this plush Ape so amazingly LOVABLE and HUGGABLE! ...and so SQUEEZABLY SOFT too! Quality-made with premium fabric and craftsmanship; it has a supple, premium plush body and is made with great ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Real QUALITY. Measures: 48 inches tall from head to foot (THAT'S 4 FEET TALL). That's a whole lot of Monkey Lovin! If you want to make someone say WOW - Then GET This Big Soft Stuffed Monkey ... NOW. BRAND NEW. Great conversation piece. Hard to find. Terrific gift. DON'T MONKEY AROUND...GRAB IT NOW!